Created and written by: Felipe Martinez Amador and Luis Villamil
Genre: Terror | Comedy | Thriller
Audience: Millenial
Format: Series of 8 chapters of 10 minutes each.
Format developed for Elefantec Global.
Each chapter brings us a recognized character, alive or dead, (Ex. Pablo Escobar; El Santo; El Chapo; Pepe Cáceres, Alejandra Guzman) wrapped in a horror fiction, in a widely recognized moment of his life, for example Pepe Cáceres involved in a situation fictionalized with terror hours before the bullfight where he is going to die; Pablo Escobar involved in paranormal events before taking the photo where he smiles mysteriously before the police.
This series seeks to recreate for each chapter different types of terror and mix them with a specific universe. These are dark and dystopian universes. We will enter a real universe, in a real moment of the character’s life mixing it with an unreal situation or event of terror.
Our purpose within this series is to reinvent situations with different famous characters, attractive to the Latin American public, and to give them a new point of view, thus mixing different scenarios or “arenas” with new situations and subgenres of terror (Psychological, slasher, thriller, etc.). In this way we will be able to recreate again a public situation in the lives of iconic characters and make the public approach it from another original perspective.
This will allow us to mix terror with different worlds and explore situations such as:
– Terror + football
– Terror + Wrestling
– Terror + Drug Trafficking
– Terror + show
– Terror + history, etc.
In this way, we will be able to explore new universes, create hybrids that generate new striking narrative models for today’s platform audience that wants to see innovative products.